Astrology And IQ: What Does Believing In Astrology Says About Your Intelligence?


Despite the lack of evidence supporting astrology's ability to predict life choices or future outcomes, many still believe in it. Studies indicate that those with high levels of narcissism may be more inclined to believe in astrology as a means of validating their uniqueness. Additionally, agreeableness has been associated with a belief in astrology.

What Is The Danger Of Believing In Astrology?

Whether it's seeking answers about love, career, or personal development, we often turn to astrology in the hopes of gaining insight and guidance. Many people find solace in the idea that cosmic forces beyond their control determine their life paths and that their destinies are written in the stars.

However, it is crucial to approach horoscopes and astrology with a critical mindset. While they can offer some valuable knowledge and serve as a form of entertainment, relying too heavily on them for decision-making can be problematic. Horoscopes often include vague and generic advice, applying to a wide range of people and situations.

Basing potentially life-changing decisions solely on horoscopes is a risky endeavor. Moreover, placing too much faith in horoscopes can create a false sense of control and hinder personal growth. Believing that the alignment of planets determines one's fate can cause a passive, immature approach to life where adults refuse to take responsibility for their own actions.

believe in astrology

Is Belief In Astrology Linked To Narcissism?

In 2022, a team of scientists at Lund University in Sweden conducted a study on the link between personality traits and unfounded beliefs. The study found a strong link between narcissism and believing in astrology. This research involved 264 individuals who answered questions about their faith in astrology and how well they thought it was supported by science. They also completed surveys about their personality traits, including Big Five personality and grandiose narcissism.

According to this new study, participants who scored higher on narcissism were more likely to believe in astrology. The researchers suggest that this could be because of the self-centered worldview that both narcissism and astrology share. Additionally, the focus on individuality among millennials could lead to an egocentric worldview and correlate with narcissistic traits.

The study also revealed a link between belief in astrology and agreeableness. The reason for this may be the positive outlook that’s prevalent in horoscopes, which reinforces grandiose feelings and may be particularly attractive to narcissists.


Do Intelligent People Believe In Astrology?

The same research discovered that individuals with unwavering faith in star signs tend to be less intelligent and more self-centered. This implies that individuals with higher levels of intelligence are more likely to question and evaluate the validity of astrological claims.

The researchers suggest that individuals who strongly believe in horoscopes are more likely to exhibit confirmation bias, seeking out information that supports their beliefs while disregarding contradictory evidence. This tendency to selectively interpret information can hinder their capacity for critical thinking. 

Scientists suggest that the desire for a sense of control in an increasingly complex and uncertain world may be the reason for the rise of astrology as a trend. The study also revealed that those who believe in astrology are more likely to fall prey to confirmation bias, which is the tendency to seek out information that confirms one's pre-existing beliefs while ignoring evidence that contradicts them. 

A strong belief in star signs may indicate a general inclination toward accepting unfounded claims and rejecting scientific evidence. This can lead to a closed-minded approach to new ideas and a reluctance to consider alternative viewpoints. The heavy reliance on astrology as a guiding force may indicate a lack of personal agency and a tendency to blame one’s failures on external factors. 

Final Thoughts

While astrology may seem like harmless entertainment, it is important to consider the potential negative effects it can have on critical thinking and biases. By encouraging baseless beliefs, astrology may hinder personal growth and limit young people’s potential. Additionally, its association with other pseudo-sciences and conspiracy theories raises concerns about the broader impact of embracing astrological beliefs. Therefore, it is crucial to approach astrology and other similar practices with a willingness to question and evaluate the evidence behind them.

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