Male Sexbots vs. Female Sexbots - The Futuristic Approach To Love Making

Male Sexbots vs. Female Sexbots

Sexbot company Realbotix has announced that it will be releasing a male sex robot with a “bionic penis” that would be “better than a vibrator.”

Matt McMullen, CEO of Realbotix, has revealed that his company plans to release a male sexbot in 2018. Speaking to Daily Star Online last week, McMullen said, “We’ll eventually have a male and a female platform available.” He speculated that the male robot could be plugged in to “go as long as you want” and that “the sky’s the limit” when it comes to penis size. He also says that the robot’s body would look like the male sex dolls currently made by sister company RealDoll.

So far, Realbotix only advertises “Harmony,” an artificial intelligence app that is supposed to sync up with a robotic female head. The system, which was scheduled to be released last year, has been delayed by bugs. Nevertheless, McMullen remains optimistic about the chances of getting its male version out by the end of the year. “We’re working hard on that, and that’s one of the next big things we’re looking to get up and running,” he told The Star.

According to McMullen, the push for a male sex robot is all about equality. “We have equal interest in male and female versions of what we’re doing,” he told The Star. “We get a lot of people gravitating to the fact that we’ve just made a female robot so far. People have accused us of objectifying women, but it’s important that people know that this is more than a sex toy.” Indeed, McMullen claims, many women are interested in male robots as “companions to talk to and interact with.”

Not everyone is convinced by McMullen’s sunny optimism. According to teledildonics developer Kyle Machulis, none of today’s sexbots are even close to the real thing. “We aren’t anywhere near there in terms fidelity yet in sex toys, or really, in any market sector involving robots,” Machulis recently told Motherboard. “There’s a lot of tech that doesn’t exist yet that we’ll need to pull this off in the way people imagine when they think ‘sex robots.’ Indeed, at present, even the promised Harmony is just a robotically-animated head on a lifeless body.”

And even if the male sexbot rolls off the line ready to do the horizontal tango, it’s uncertain whether there’s even a market for it. AI researcher Dr. David Levy believes that “women will find robots equally appealing as men” and that heterosexual women will essentially see the male sexbot as an upgraded vibrator. But Cindy Gallop, founder of amateur erotica site MakeLoveNotP*rn, disagrees. “‘As long as you want’ is not the female definition of fantastic, mind-blowing sex,” she told Motherboard recently. “That presumes that the only thing that represents great sex for women is jackhammering her for as long as you possibly can.”

While she’s uncertain about the current model, she doesn’t completely write off the possibility of a working male sexbot in the future. “I would just love to see what a female concept [sic]-and-built approach to male sex robots would look like,” she said.

Is There Such A Thing As A Sexbot?

Sex robots seem to be a very hot topic these days, as they appear to be taking over the real world and gaining increasing popularity daily. It looks as if people are after sex robots for intimacy and companionship, and the sex part is second to that. These sexbots get named and dressed up; it appears that they are helping their owners enter the world of fantasy and build intimacy and friendship as they envisioned. With further developments and advances in robotics and artificial intelligence, these sexbots are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Sexbots or sex robots are designed and produced for humans to have sexual intercourse with. Sexbots are machine-engineered for sexual arousal and stimulation. This means that the love-making process is also mechanical, and even though human sexuality implies deep spiritual, psychological, and emotional traits, human connection, and human sensuality, sexbots offer only physical action.

What Are The Positives Of Sexbots?

It is a popular belief that sexbots are high-end sex toys. However, in recent years, a pair of British researchers revealed that they found positive feedback and many health claims related to sexbots, such as practicing safe sex and then having therapeutic effects for those experiencing sex problems or companionship problems. Another positive side was the reduction of sexual abuse in general.

There are also other health benefits to sexbots. Both male and female sexbots help promote safer sex by reducing sex trafficking, sex tourism, and prostitution. Additionally, sexbot users can gain knowledge related to sex and expertise without any pressure from real-life sexual intimacy. Sexbots can also help those struggling with libido irregularity, disability, loneliness, or other sexually related struggles. And finally, the use of sexbots can reduce the urge for any non-consensual sex. In conclusion, sexbots provide unconditional love and support for human beings. They meet the sexual and social needs of adults without any unnecessary stress and intimidation.

What Are The Benefits Of Sexbots?

One of the primary benefits of sexbots is their potential to enhance relationships and reduce loneliness. For single individuals, sexbots can offer companionship and intimacy, helping to alleviate feelings of isolation. Additionally, for those in long-term relationships, sexbots can provide an alternative means of sexual satisfaction, reducing the strain on relationships and promoting a more balanced partnership.

Sexbots can also play a role in addressing sexual health concerns. For individuals who may have difficulty engaging in sexual activity due to physical limitations or medical conditions, sexbots can offer a safe and controlled environment for exploring their sexuality. Furthermore, sexbots can be programmed to promote safer sex practices, such as using condoms and practicing consent, which can help reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

The use of sexbots has the potential to reduce the demand for sex work, as they can provide a more controlled and safer environment for users. By offering an alternative to human sexual partners, sexbots can help reduce the exploitation of sex workers and promote a more ethical approach to sexual relationships.

Developing sexbots also has the potential to advance AI and robotics research. As engineers and researchers work to create more lifelike and responsive sexbots, they will likely develop new technologies and materials that can be applied to other fields, such as medicine, manufacturing, and space exploration.

Finally, the development and use of sexbots can promote a more open and honest discussion of sexuality. By encouraging people to explore their sexual desires and preferences in a safe and controlled environment, sexbots can help break down taboos and foster a greater understanding of human sexuality.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Sexbots?

While they offer several advantages, there are also considerable disadvantages associated with the development and use of sexbots. One of the primary disadvantages of sexbots revolves around ethical considerations. Critics argue that the development and use of sexbots may contribute to the objectification of individuals, particularly women. There are concerns that the availability of lifelike sexbots could perpetuate harmful attitudes towards relationships and intimacy, leading to further societal issues related to consent, respect, and empathy.

Another significant disadvantage is the potential impact of sexbots on human relationships. Some experts worry that the use of sexbots could lead to a decline in meaningful human connections and intimacy. If individuals turn to sexbots for companionship and sexual fulfillment instead of engaging in real relationships, it could have detrimental effects on social dynamics and emotional well-being.

The use of sexbots may also have psychological implications for individuals. There are concerns that frequent interaction with sexbots could lead to social isolation, emotional detachment, and unrealistic expectations about intimacy and sexual encounters. Additionally, there is a risk that some individuals may develop an unhealthy dependence on sexbots for their emotional and sexual needs.

Despite advancements in technology, current sexbot models still have limitations in terms of their capabilities and realism. This can lead to dissatisfaction among users who may have unrealistic expectations based on portrayals in popular media or marketing materials. As a result, individuals who invest in sexbots may not experience the level of satisfaction they anticipated, leading to disappointment and potential negative psychological effects.

Sexbots are equipped with advanced technological features, including sensors, cameras, and internet connectivity. This raises concerns about privacy and security risks associated with these devices. There is a potential for unauthorized access to personal data or intimate interactions captured by the sexbot’s sensors, which could lead to breaches of privacy or even exploitation.

The use of sexbots may also cause judgment and social stigma. People who openly embrace sexbot technology may face ostracism or discrimination due to societal norms and moral beliefs regarding human sexuality and relationships. Finally, the widespread adoption of sexbots could disrupt the commercial sex industry, leading to economic challenges for those employed in this sector. While some may view this as a positive outcome, it raises complex ethical and socioeconomic questions related to employment opportunities and labor rights.

Who Invented Sexbots?

It is becoming evident that sexbots will profoundly influence the future of human sexual relations, and even though they are a pretty new phenomenon, artificial sexual devices have existed for quite a long time. But who invented the sexbot? The beginnings date back to 1997 when Matt McMullen started to construct a silicone rubber model named RealDolls that was life-sized and realistic. He received much criticism for the anatomical correctness of the model, and he used that criticism as a motivation to create a better version of the doll. In 2009, he started using platinum material, not silicone, because he wanted to increase the doll's durability and he wanted the doll to have a more natural feel. The rest of the sex doll manufacturers followed in his footsteps and created different sexbots.

Since 2018, many new models have been created that can converse, remember facts, interact, and express emotions. One of these models is “Harmony,” and Matt McMullen also made her. This doll is customizable by a mobile application, and the users can choose many combinations of clothes, personalities, voices, and looks to fit their needs and wants.

What Is The Price Of Sexbots?

The price of sexbots can vary significantly based on factors such as the level of technology, customization options, and additional features. Different companies produce sexbots with varying quality standards and brand reputations. Established brands with a track record of high-quality products may command higher prices compared to lesser-known manufacturers.

Sexbots come with varying levels of technological sophistication. Advanced models may incorporate state-of-the-art AI, realistic skin materials, responsive movements, and interactive conversational abilities. The more advanced the technology, the higher the price of the sexbot.

Some manufacturers offer customization options for sexbots, allowing customers to choose specific physical features, such as body type, facial appearance, hair color, and other personalized details. Customization can significantly impact the overall cost of the sexbot. Furthermore, certain sexbots may come with additional features such as heating elements to simulate body warmth, self-sanitizing mechanisms, voice modulation capabilities, and more. These extra features can contribute to a higher price point.

The price of sexbots can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the aforementioned factors. Basic models with limited features and technology may be available at the lower end of the price spectrum, while premium models with advanced AI, lifelike appearance, and extensive customization options can be priced at the higher end.

How Much Does Harmony Sexbot Cost?

Harmony is a line of sex dolls and sexbots developed by Abyss Creations, a company based in the United States. The company offers a range of models, each with different features and price points. The base model of the Harmony sexbot retails for around $7,000 to $8,000. This model comes with a fully customizable silicone body and an integrated AI system that can respond to voice commands and engage in conversation.

The Harmony X is an upgraded version of the base model, featuring a more lifelike appearance, enhanced AI capabilities, and additional customization options. The price for the Harmony X starts at around $12,000. The Harmony+ is a limited edition model that comes with even more advanced AI features, such as facial recognition and the ability to learn from user interactions. The Harmony+ is priced at around $15,000.

These prices are subject to change, and it is important to note that they may vary depending on the country of purchase and any additional customization options selected.

Apart from the base price of the Harmony sexbot, there may be additional costs associated with purchasing one. These can include:

  • Shipping and handling fees can vary depending on the country of origin and destination.
  • Customs duties or taxes, depending on the country where the sexbot is being imported.
  • Any necessary licenses or permits required for owning a sexbot in the buyer’s country.
  • Costs associated with setting up and maintaining the sexbot, such as electricity, internet access, and software updates.

What Is The Most Expensive Robot?

One of the most expensive robots is the Honda ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobile Robotics). Launched in 2000, ASIMO is a humanoid robot developed by Honda Motor Co., Ltd. It has advanced features such as bipedal walking, facial recognition, and voice recognition, making it one of the most sophisticated humanoid robots. The cost of ASIMO is estimated to be around $2 million, but Honda has not disclosed the exact figure.

Another expensive robot is the Google Robot (also known as “Google’s robot butler”), which was reportedly created for Google co-founder Sergey Brin. The robot, developed by Willow Garage, is a PR2 model costing approximately $400,000. It is a versatile and highly customizable robot designed for research and development purposes.

The Boston Dynamics SpotMini is a highly advanced robot developed by Boston Dynamics, a leading robotics company. SpotMini is a small, agile robot that can navigate various terrains and perform a variety of tasks. It is equipped with advanced sensors, cameras, and computing capabilities, making it a valuable addition to various industries. The cost of the SpotMini is estimated to be around $75,000 to $100,000, depending on customization and features.

These three robots represent some of the most expensive and advanced robots available today. They showcase the capabilities of modern robotics and the potential for future advancements in this field.

What Is Eilik Robot Used For?

Eilik Robot is an innovative AI-powered robot designed to assist individuals in various aspects of their daily lives. It is equipped with advanced technology and artificial intelligence capabilities, allowing it to perform a wide range of tasks and functions. Some of the primary applications of Eilik Robot include:

Home Assistance

Eilik Robot can help with household chores, such as cleaning, organizing, and maintaining a tidy environment. It can vacuum, mop, and dust surfaces, freeing up time for individuals to focus on other activities.

Health and Fitness

The robot can monitor an individual’s health and fitness levels by tracking their physical activities, heart rate, and sleep patterns. It can also provide personalized recommendations for improving overall well-being.


Eilik Robot can be used for security purposes, as it is capable of monitoring and detecting potential threats or intrusions. It can also be programmed to alert authorities in case of emergencies.


The robot can be programmed to provide entertainment options, such as playing music, streaming videos, or even engaging in conversations. This makes it an excellent companion for individuals who enjoy staying connected and entertained.


Eilik Robot can be used as a learning tool for children and adults alike. It can provide educational content, answer questions, and help with problem-solving.

Elderly Care

Eilik Robot can be particularly beneficial for the elderly, as it can assist with daily tasks, remind them of important events, and even monitor their health. This can promote a greater sense of independence and well-being.

What Can Sophia Robot Do?

Developed by Hanson Robotics, Sophia is an advanced humanoid robot designed to exhibit human-like qualities and interact with humans through conversations and expressions. As a social robot, Sophia is capable of engaging in conversations, learning from her experiences, and evolving her skills over time.

Conversational Abilities

One of Sophia’s most notable capabilities is her ability to converse with humans. Equipped with natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, Sophia can understand and respond to a wide range of questions and statements. She can hold simple conversations, answer questions, and even tell jokes. Sophia’s conversational abilities are continually improving as she learns from her interactions with people.

Facial Expressions

Sophia is designed to express emotions and respond to social cues through facial expressions. She has over 60 facial muscles that allow her to mimic a variety of expressions, such as happiness, sadness, surprise, and anger. This ability to display emotions helps her connect with humans on an emotional level and makes her interactions more engaging and realistic.

Learning Skills

Sophia’s learning skills enable her to adapt and improve over time. She can learn new information, recognize patterns, and even adapt her behavior based on her experiences. This ability to learn and adapt is crucial for her continued growth and development as a social robot.

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