Being Alone Is Better Than Settling For The Wrong Person

being alone

We all want to experience that true, deep, unconditional, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. We all long to experience that selfless, undying love poets write about. We all want to find someone who will love us genuinely, selflessly, and deeply. Someone who will accept and cherish us just the way we are.

And thatโ€™s okay.

But being in a relationship with someone shouldnโ€™t be a top priority in your personal goals: Being genuinely happy, no matter what your relationship status is, is what should always be your number one priority.

Because being in a relationship with someone only for the sake of being in a relationship will never contribute to your happiness. Itโ€™ll never make your life fulfilling and meaningful.

Yes, I get it. No one wants to roll solo and feel lonely, but when you settle for the wrong person, sooner or later you will feel even lonelier than you felt in the first place. You will feel like you have betrayed your heart.

Thatโ€™s why you always need to remember that being alone is better than settling for the wrong person.

Being alone is better than settling for someone who doesnโ€™t deserve you and your love. Someone who doesnโ€™t feel about you the way you feel about them. Someone who doesnโ€™t see you the way you see them. Someone who couldnโ€™t care less if they lose you.

Being alone is better than settling for someone who doesnโ€™t make you happy. Someone who doesnโ€™t understand your feelings, your needs, your desires. Someone who is never there when you need them the most. Someone who is never there to hold your hand and tell you that everything is going to be okay when youโ€™re going through a rough time in life.

Being alone is better than settling for someone who canโ€™t see your worth. Someone who is excellent at noticing and judging you for your annoying habits, insecurities, and fears, but who canโ€™t see, (or doesnโ€™t want to see), your qualities.

Someone who is always ready to criticize you for your weaknesses and imperfections when youโ€™re down in the dumps, but who never bothers to remind you of your strength and worth when youโ€™re feeling weak or unimportant.

Being alone is better than settling for someone who doesnโ€™t deserve your attention. Someone who doesnโ€™t deserve your time and energy. Your kindness. Your compassion. Your patience. Your generosity. Your self-sacrifice. Your love.

Being alone is better than settling for someone who is not what your heart desires. Someone who is not what you need to feel truly happy and fulfilled.

Being alone is better than settling for someone who is only interested in taking advantage of you. Someone who is good to you only when they need something from you. Someone who gives you compliments only when they need you to do them some โ€˜littleโ€™ favor. Someone who is nowhere to be found when you are the one who needs their attention, help, or affection.

Being alone is better than settling for someone who only sees you as a second option. A temporary fling.

Being alone is better than being with someone who doesnโ€™t reciprocate your love. Someone who doesnโ€™t fight for you with every fiber of their being. Someone whose soul doesnโ€™t reflect yours. Someone who isnโ€™t afraid of losing you.

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